Leee Jeffries

Leee JeffriesLeee Jeffries is an IT professional with over 15 years of experience in the IT industry. Leee’s main focus is in End User Computing (EUC) with a good amount of experience in performance testing EUC environments. Leee Works with large and small organisations across the IT industry, Leee is keen on exercise and likes competing in triathlons, obstacle races and running. You will see him around at EUC Forum events and other conferences, he enjoys being involved in community events.

Leee is a current Citrix Technology Professional (CTP) and has held the award for the last 4 years.

You can follow Leee on twitter, LinkedIn or personal blog.


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Date Post
Will Windows security hardening improve systems performance?
Which AWS General Purpose Instance is the Most Performant and Cost Efficient?
Is performance guaranteed on an Azure VM at all times?
Is it beneficial for you to upgrade your Azure VM SKU to the next version?